Our waiter was super knowledgeable, friendly, and full of charm! He even corrected my friend that country fried steak is indeed steak and not chicken... in further chatting, it was understood that his knowledge of southern food was pretty extensive. I might have a waiter crush! He recommended that we go with a sweet wine like a Riesling to go with our pig's head for two. I was skeptical since sweet Riesling reminds me too much of kid's wine (my sister is a huge fan) but the one (2008 Riesling Kabinett Graacher Domprobst) that he recommended was the least sweet of the group although I found it to be too sweet for my liking. However, it did indeed go well with the ultra richness of the pig's head. It was served peking/moo shu style but the hoisin sauce did nothing to cut the richness.
Anyway, on to the meal... ever since I've had the bone marrow at CoM, I've been determined to always order it when I'm there even though I don't see it on the menu. Trust me, they have it... I think I like it there so much because they actually saw it in half the long way and theirs are LONG. See for yourself.
excuse these photos' quality since i took them on my iphone
This is indeed meat butter. How is it that my heart is still beating?! I like that it was under salted since a slight personal sprinkle of sea salt did wonders.
Pig's head in all its glory. I went first for the ear but after further admiration, I realized that it reminded me too much of the snack I used to feed Addy, our dog. I also liked the snout... interesting texture.
The skin was crackling but to be completely honest and since one might argue I have peasant taste buds, I prefer the crackling skin on the roasted pig at the chinese barbeque places a bit more. This style of crackling skin is way too chewy.
Tearing it apart. Man, some parts were just very gelatinous and pure fatty.
We unhinged the jaw. How cool is it to say that. The eyeball was my favorite.
For dessert, we stuck to the southern theme and ordered the special, sweet grits. I always order panna cotta and was a little sad that I didn't get the sour milk one but there's always a next time.
Sweet grits was delicious and done creme brulee style with a sugar crust.
And as a treat, we got an apple cider foam with some butter milk. Sorry, I do not like eating foam. It's weird... weird texture. Not diggin' it.
What I've been having for dinner... social crackers and cilantro/jalapeno hummus from TJ's. I'm so addicted. the sticky-rice-lovin'-sunshine in my life like this hummus so much so I had stocked up and now, I find myself having it for dinner.
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