Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back From Vietnam

There has been too much going since I have been back so no cooking and blogging. Boo. There might not be a lot of cooking in the near future since I am studying for the bar and have also recently acquired "full-time help". Aside from the humidity and heat, I could really see myself moving to Vietnam especially when I saw so many satisfied friends who made their move from the states to there. Who knows... let's see what happens after my 2 year fellowship. I could see myself living out the rest of my days running some quirky bistro.

First day in VN eating Banh Cuon Cha Lua in Saigon

At Tien's favorite sugar cane juice place since he was 7 in Hanoi. Yes, I'm wearing a scooter helmut.

And I drank plenty of Vietnamese Iced Coffee on my trip. Oh my what I would do for one now.

*Will be retiring this blog and creating a new one shortly!

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